Editor's Review

Weight loss comes down to two things Lifestyle and Exercise. 

Have you been seeing a number of flabs on your body and some folds that are not very pleasing to the eye?

Are you on the verge of trying yet another famed diet plan in the hopes of losing 10 kilograms in two days?

Are you fed up with your friends constantly making that irking comment, “...naona life inakupeleka poa...”... “...unakula vizuri nowadays…”?

Is one of your new year's resolutions to cut down on your current weight?

Well, Ignore all the 101 diets being sold online and all the Apps which promise results in a week.

Weight loss comes down to two things Lifestyle and Exercise. And the most important of the two is lifestyle. The amount of effort you put into the two will determine how fast you lose weight.

Lifestyle in Weight Loss

Every nutritionist who truly cares about your weight loss journey will tell you that you have to begin by changing how you live and what you believe about food.

The first step is to clean up your diet:- remove trans fats, reduce carbs, increase veggies and proteins, and at all cost aim to have more natural foods in your diet.

The second aspect of lifestyle is mental and spiritual. Avoid stress or come up with ways of coping that help you reduce stress.

Also, establish the nature of your relationship with food. Do you eat to feel better? Do you avoid eating for one reason or another? Have you always seen food as the enemy or a close friend?

At the end of the day, food is sustenance, it does not make the pain go away.

Whether vegan, Keto, Paleo, or any other kind of lifestyle, choose what will keep your body healthy and your mind clear.


Adopt an active lifestyle. Take up bike-riding, swimming, running, working out at the gym, or playing your favourite sport and you will see the kilos shedding off day by day.

Choose something that you are willing to do for the rest of your life.