Editor's Review

"Those on Twitter (his critics) can’t see this, that’s why they can’t be elected," Peter Salasya said.

Mumias East MP Peter Kalerwa Salasya has become a sensation on social media after his interview with an online TV where he was asked about his climate change knowledge went viral.

The MP appeared to have fumbled several times while talking about the matter, a move that has triggered comical reactions on social media.

But despite the attention and some negative reactions he has attracted, Salasya has boldly told off his critics.

"Those on Twitter (his critics) can’t see this, that’s why they can’t be elected because they can’t speak in layman’s language to be understood, the reason they are bashing me," Salasysa said.

Mumias East MP Peter Kalerwa Salasya.

He went on to defend his explanation of climate change saying he gave elaborate points on the matter even as explained some points he deemed misunderstood.

"I pointed out what Global warming is aka Climate change, the meeting in Nairobi is about Climate change. I talked about the water in Mombasa being cold and also Mombasa being cold. This is a fact and is a result of climate Change. What is happening is that the rise in atmospheric temperature aka Global warming is melting the ice caps in Mt.Kenya, and Mt. Kilimanjaro and icebergs in the ocean," he explained.

"This cold H2O finds itself in the Indian Ocean increasing the level of the water as well as eating the coastline making Mombasa island smaller and smaller and a candidate for sinking in the near future, Indian Ocean waters are typically warm due to the equator, unlike the Atlantic Ocean that is cold due to its location in the polar region. The icecaps mix with the warm water cooling it and that’s what I was referring to."

Salasya had attended the African Climate Summit at KICC when he was interviewed regarding the subject matter.