Editor's Review

The properties are in Runda, Dennis Pritt Road, and South C in Nairobi. 

The Supreme Court on Thursday allowed the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to seize former Nairobi County Finance Officer Jimmy Kiamba’s assets worth Sh 614 million.

In a statement, EACC said the assets include properties in Runda, Dennis Pritt Road, and South C in Nairobi which are worth Sh 500 million and Sh 113,893,743 held in various bank accounts of the former Nairobi county official, his wife, and associates.

“Following successful litigation at the High Court, Court of Appeal, and Supreme Court, EACC has moved to seize Seven (7) prime properties in Runda, Dennis Pritt Road and South C in Nairobi, with an estimated market value of over Kes.500,000,000 and Kes.113,893,743 held in various bank accounts, belonging to former Nairobi County Chief Finance Officer Jimmy Mutuku Kiamba, his wife and associates,” read the statement in part.

According to EACC, the apex court concurred with the commission that Kiamba’s assets are proceeds of corruption at the Nairobi County Government.

Former Nairobi County Financial Officer Jimmy Kiamba's house. 

“The Court concurred with EACC that the assets constitute unexplained wealth and proceeds of corruption at the Nairobi County Government, and ordered that they all be forfeited to the Government of Kenya,” EACC added.

In 2018, the High Court ruled that Kiamba owned unexplained assets after the EACC established disparities between his assets and his known legitimate income sources.

Dissatisfied with the ruling, the former Nairobi county financial officer moved to the Court of Appeal.

However, the appellate court dismissed Kiamba's appeal and he moved to the Supreme Court.