Editor's Review

“Take notice that unless you comply with the above in the next fourteen (14) days, we shall institute legal proceedings."

The Kenya Films and Classification Board (KFCB) has issued a 14-day ultimatum to Oga Obinna over uploading audio-visual content to his YouTube channels without a filming license from the board.

In a letter seen by Nairobileo.co.ke, KFCB directed Obinna to obtain filming licenses for his content.

The board also directed the former Kiss 100 radio presenter to submit his videos to KFCB for examination and classification before they are shared to the public.

“Our attention has been drawn to your YouTube channels "Obinna TV and The Obinnaz" where you have continuously uploaded audio-visual content for purposes of exhibiting and distributing it to the public, without acquiring the requisite filming licenses from Kenya Film Classification Board.

“We demand that you strictly comply with the requirements of the Films and Stage Plays Act by obtaining filming licenses for your films, and submit them for examination and classification before the same is exhibited and distributed to the public through your YouTube channel,” the letter read in part.

File image of Oga Obinna. 

KFCB warned Obinna that if he fails to comply with the directives within fourteen days he will face legal action in accordance with the provisions of the Films and Stage Plays Act and other relevant laws.

“Take notice that unless you comply with the above in the next fourteen (14) days, we shall institute legal proceedings in accordance with the provisions of the Films and Stage Plays Act and other relevant laws, without further reference to you and at your own risks as to costs and other attendant consequences thereto,” KFCB added.

KFCB issued similar demands to comedians Mulamwah, YY, Abel Mutua, and Njugush.