Editor's Review

A funeral services provider in Eldoret has become the talk of the town after procuring a Range Rover Limousine Hearse.

Residents of Eldoret Town, Uasin Gishu have been treated to a spectacle after one firm invested in top of the range Limousine Hearses.

Delight Funeral Services has made it a priority to give the fallen a befitting send-off, garnering the attention of Uasin Gishu dwellers.

From the front, the Maroon-coloured Range Rover can be mistaken for an ordinary car, until one catches a glimpse of its sides.

Custom made to befit a hearse, the sides are glass-covered giving a sneak peek of the classy interior.

The firm's CEO Harrison Muchiri explained that funerals are no different from weddings. He said that the departed deserve to be celebrated as family members and it should be a memorable moment as it is the last time they are with their kin.

Muchiri revealed that the vehicle was customised at its manufacturing plant, that saw it installed with butterfly doors.

The vehicle boasts a spacious coffin station, and is easy to load, thanks to the doors. The coffin is inserted from the side and with the touch of a button is adjusted to the correct position.

Muchiri stated that funeral service providers are looking to transition from the traditional heavy ways to more exquisite modes offering great comfort to the berieved.

"Where family members seat, we have very comfortable seats with air conditioners at the back," Muchiri stated.

He assured members of the public that the vehicle will be available to them at affordable prices and considerate of family budgets.