Editor's Review

Kimilili sub-county police commander Muita Marwa confirmed the tragedy

Three women and a man have died after consuming an illicit brew in Canaan village in Kamukuywa ward, Kimilili constituency, Bungoma county.

Of the three women who died was the brewer.

Kimilili sub-county police commander Muita Marwa confirmed the tragedy and said 12 others are admitted to the hospital after drinking the illicit brew.

The twelve are admitted at Kimilili sub-county hospital under critical condition.

{Police pouring illicit brew. IMAGE:COURTESY}

Victims had complained of stomachache and general body weakness after consuming the brew.

The illicit brew has been a costly menace in the rural areas where residents are unable to afford quality alcohol that has passed the consumption test.

Many resort to drinking from their local joints where they take locally brewed alcohol commonly referred to as Chang'aa.

Poorly prepared chang'aa has left many people dead while others have even lost their eyesight.

In December 2021, 6 people died in Nakuru after they consumed the illicit brew.

The group of six are said to have taken the drink on Saturday, December 4, and began feeling sickly the following day.

According to close relatives of the deceased, their kins began experiencing complications after they had consumed the illicit brew.

Local authorities have been blamed for failing to contain the menace even as they sometimes face accusations of taking bribes from the brewers.