Editor's Review

The IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee has denied Mike Sonko clearance to vie for the Mombasa governor seat.

The IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee has upheld the decision by Mombasa's Returning Officer Swalhah Yusuf not to clear Mike Sonko to vie for the Mombasa governor seat.

Sonko was denied clearance by IEBC as they cited his impeachment while serving as Nairobi Governor. 

"In as much the High Court quashed the decision of the chairman as you say, it did not give or direct the commission orders to accept his papers. We stand by the chair’s decision. Sonko is blocked," Swalhah said when he denied Sonko clearance. 

The electoral body also said that Sonko could not be cleared since his degree had not been certified by the Commission of University Education.

The returning officer then directed Sonko and his running mate Ali Mbogo to seek reprieve from the IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee.

Wiper party, which had nominated Sonko, has been given 72 hours to nominate another candidate to vie for Mombasa race in place of Mr Sonko.