Editor's Review

Others shut are alcohol manufacturers who failed to meet the set standards.

The county Government of Tharaka Nithi has shut down 450 bars in a fresh crackdown against rogue operators, manufacturers and distributors of alcoholic products.

The steps taken come in the wake of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's intensified crackdown against alcoholism in the Mt Kenya region. 

Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki confirmed the move saying the due process of the law was followed in the fresh licensing of the operators. 

A total of 1006 bar operators had applied for fresh licensing. 

Of these 469 bars were approved in the first round and 87 others after appealing their denial in the first vetting. 

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

This brought the total of the bars approved to 556 leaving 450 others who sought licenses for operations. 

Others shut are alcohol manufacturers who failed to meet the set standards.

They Include Kierra Hills Limited which manufactures opaque beer; sweet waters brands in the Magutuni location.

Hakim Commercial Agencies in the Ndiruni location that manufactures Opaque beer; Utamaduni brand has also been shut.

Manufacturers were required to have a depot within the county, provide a list of the specific alcoholic brands they will deal with and clearances from the county and country of origin and be open for regular routine inspection to be cleared.

In the new regulations bar operators will be required to open their premises from 4 pm to 11 pm during the working days.

On weekends and public holidays, their operations will begin at 2 pm and end at 11 pm.

Wines and spirits will be required to operate from 10 am and close shops at 8:30pn daily. They will be required to strictly allow takeaways and would not sell bottled beers.

Bars and restaurants will open shops from 2 pm and close at 11 pm daily. They must have a kitchen and separate food serving areas.

Night clubs may open from 2 pm to 3 am daily and will be allowed to serve food.

Businesses that will contravene the terms and conditions of the licence will face revocation, the county warned.