Editor's Review

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has launched the Nairobi Wellness Camp for those addicted to alcohol and drugs. 

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi on Monday, August 14 launched the Nairobi Wellness Camp for those addicted to alcohol, drugs, and substances at the ASK Showground in Nairobi County. 

Those identified to undergo rehabilitation were selected after a rigorous exercise that involved screening and medical tests and were from the Kibera, Kawangware, and Dagoretti areas.

Those with severe cases would undergo clinical rehabilitation at a rehabilitation centre in Limuru. 

"Last week, I visited the cohort in Meru, and I was very happy because they now look like fine gentlemen. They are healthier, look brighter, and are composed. They are doing beadwork and selling their creations. They have also been trained in hairdressing, chicken rearing, pig keeping, crop and vegetable farming, and their dreams have been reignited," Pastor Dorcas said during the launch. 

Pastor Dorcas Launches Nairobi Wellness Camp. 

She encouraged those starting rehabilitation at the wellness camp to remain focused on their journey.

The PS Ministry of Housing, Charles Hinga, encouraged the youth to go through the rehabilitation process and promised them jobs through the affordable housing project.

"Like the President said, we must have a plan to create jobs for our youth. There are jobs under the housing programs, which include masons, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, and others. The Ministry of Housing is delighted to be your (OSDP) partner," PS Hinga stated. 

Pastor Dorcas Launches Nairobi Wellness Camp. 

MP Elachi acknowledged that the lack of jobs had driven many youth to the streets.

"I know your greatest problem is the lack of a job. But I want to assure you that everyone attending this occasion is mindful of your welfare and the betterment of your life. I believe you can be involved in the cleaning of the environment and the planting of trees, among other projects, to generate income," MP Elachi remarked.